All That lot, piece or parcel of land TOGETHER WITH the building thereon
situate at La Poterie in the parish of Saint Andrew Grenada in the State of
Grenada, containing by admeasurement One Rood and Twenty-nine Poles (1 Rd.
29 Pls.) English Statute Measure and abutted and bounded as the same is
delineated and described in the plan or diagram thereof marked with the
letter 'A' and annexed to an Indenture of conveyance dated the Seventh day
of December One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-two made between James
Augustine Richard of the First Part Tracy Cato of the Second Part and Ghita
Alexander of the Third Part and recorded in the deeds and Land Registry of
Grenada in Liber VII at page 416.
Sale is by the Mortgagee under its power of sale and will be subject to a
reserve price of XCD $426,000.00.
Law Office of Alban M. John
Attorneys-At-Law for Grenada Development Bank
Donovan House
Scott Street
St. George's